Social Upliftment - Page 2
Upliftment of socially backward groups
Jan Swabhiman Welfare Society is committed towards harmonious upliftment of the family called humanity. This 360 degree upliftment has various components – social, economic, cultural, educational. To have an India of tomorrow where every individual can explore their potentials to the hilt and skyrocket the overall bliss of nation is the agenda of Jan Swabhiman.
Jan Swabhiman has been working in these directions in its humble ways for several years. Our experience has identified certain priority focus areas that are crucial even to enable other focus areas to yield optimum outcomes. Accordingly, Jan Swabhiman has been putting specific thrust over last 3 years on certain focus areas:
1. Development of socially backward groups with specific focus on uniting all through cultural bonds
2. Social justice and redressal for affected individuals/groups from socially backward communities.
3. Knowledge imparting and skill-based transformation of vulnerable groups to make them self-sufficient and further promote the cause of upliftment of all.
Our Indian culture summarizes this as Bahujan Hitaaya Bahujan Sukhaaya – Well-being of all, bliss for all. Our team comprises very respected educationists and professionals – IIT faculty, IIT-IIM, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Doctors, Social Workers. Our agenda is to use our combined wisdom to contribute the most we can for nation and its people.
Setup of a dedicated team for spreading awareness among Socially backward communities and facilitating their social justice and growth.
Government has multiple schemes to support socially backward groups. There are also multiple schemes for proper and swift redressal of social injustice matters. However the awareness about the same is quite low among those for whom these schemes are targeted. Jan Swabhiman has created a dedicated team of educated experts to act as bridge between these vulnerable people and solutions that exist for them, thanks to social upliftment being priority for the state.