Compensation for family of sweeper who was swept away while cleaning sewer

In a tragic accident, an OBC labor who was called in to clean sewer by Gram Panchayat in Durg, Chhattisgarh was swept away while cleaning. Even painful was the fact that those who asked him to clean the sewer refused to take any responsibility saying they didn’t ask him to come. His mourning wife and daughters were subject to utter insensitivity with such irresponsible attitude of village administration. At the end, the daughter of the victim contacted Jan Swabhiman Welfare Society for help. We immediately approached the authorities for justice. After we presented victim’s case at NCSC in repeated hearings, a total compensation of Rs 14 Lakh was sanctioned for the family of which Rs 4 Lakh has already reached the family. We are also trying to secure a government job for victim’s daughter so that the poor family can sustain a dignified life.

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