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30 Posts

Treatment and relief to injured monkey in pain

An injured monkey was in pain, our team went and did the treatment. Sarve Santu Niramaya..

Toddler monkey rescued from well

A little monkey fell into the well. Locals called Jan Swabhiman team. Well was 120 ft deep. Team went and called Range Forest Officer...

Injured cow in pain after road accident, given immediate treatment

Got call at 1.00 AM to help a seriously injured Gaumata in pain, who was hit by a four-wheeler.Team immediately reached on spot, did...

Seva of calf injured in a road accident

A calf got seriously injured in a road accident. Our team reached the spot, gave first-aid. We took calf to panjrapol. Calf now recovering...

Seva of injured calf who lost a leg in a train accident

A calf lost a leg at rail tracks in Vadodara. Our team visited, gave first-aid to injured areas, rescued. Now safely in cow shelter...

Sports tournament in Gujarat as part of anti-drugs campaign

Jan Swabhiman Welfare Society organized a cricket tournament in Dang's Khatal village among our tribal brothers. Support our efforts for connecting youths and to guide...

Samuhik Vivah of 40 Tribal Daughters

Vivaah of 40 tribal daughters accomplished Nirvighna in poverty, conversion struck Navsari, Gujarat. First time in history in a region where they marry and...

Shri Krishna Gaushala | Animal Welfare | Janswabhiman (Completed 2019-2022)

Janswabhiman Welfare Society is glad to announce start of our 1st Gaushala (cattle-shelter) near Delhi. Cows in Janswabhiman's Shri Krishna Gaushala in NCR are desi...

Compensation to family of SC train violence victim

During an unfortunate violence during train travel, a person belonging to SC community lost his life. Poor family of victim was long waiting for...

Clothes distribution in Assam by Jan Swabhiman

On occasion of Durga Pooja, Jan Swabhiman distributed clothes among the needy ones in Assam. More than 350 families benefitted from this clothes distribution. Tilak...
Give Aahuti in Yajnaspot_img

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